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The Political Orphanage

Feb 26, 2020

It’s a scrum for the Libertarian Party’s 2020 presidential nomination, and the party won’t select a nominee until its national convention in May. Heaton visited the California Libertarian State Party Convention to meet and interview the top six candidates in the party:

10:00 - Adam Kokesh

23:24 – Lincoln...

Feb 21, 2020

Every week Heaton makes a special bonus episode of the show exclusively for Patreon subscribers. Recently enough supporters liked and wanted to share his episode on how Aristotelian Virtue Ethics apply to Rush Limbaugh that they asked him to release it on the main feed. Enjoy!

Feb 19, 2020

Joel Stein is the author of "In Defense of Elitism: Why I'm Better Than You and You are Better Than Someone Who Didn't Buy This Book." The former Time columnist explores the new and angry fault line between globalism and populism, drawing upon his travels to the most Trumpian county in America, and meeting...

Feb 13, 2020

Heaton records his New Hampshire experience hitting up Biden, Pete, and Yang rallies, plus thoughts on Warren, Bernie, and Klobuchar. He talks about his all-too-brief love affair with the Andrew Yang candidacy, and most importantly--who's going to scoop up the 2020 Democratic Presidential nomination in the wake of...

Feb 10, 2020

The New Hampshire Primary is a slingshot which can land underdogs on top and hobble frontrunners. Heaton travels there to see how the state works, how its people think, and what Tuesday's contest will mean for 2020. He speaks with Neil Levesque of the New Hampshire Institute of Politics, and Joe Pace and Russell...