Oct 28, 2022
My recent speaking engagement at Oxford University, the various ne'er-do-wells claiming I am a fascist, and why politics attracts toxic personalities.
Plus, protocols to help us remain good faith actors and not drink deep of the bile.
Find the Heaton Protocols...
Oct 20, 2022
The government of Iran has shut down its Internet, and brutally clamped down on dissent. Why are the people protesting, and are they within striking distance of revolution? Should America root for them from the sidelines, or send guns?
Lisa Daftari of The Foreign Desk joins to discuss
Oct 13, 2022
Did Florida's fast-and-loose Covid policies fail compared to New York's strict lockdowns? How effective were mask mandates? How did the United States stack up against Europe and Australia?
Maxim Lott of "Maximum Truth" crunched the numbers on which regimes saved or lost lives during Covid 19. And offers a tool to asses...
Oct 5, 2022